Sent Ones

The Sent Ones are those who have heard the still small voice questioning: "Who will go for us?"

Considering Going?

Sent ones are those who God is calling to go. In the case of Oaks, God is calling you to
go to Haiti. You may be like some I have heard say, “God, I don’t want to go to Haiti.”
You feel the call but you don’t think you want to go, so you continue to pray and maybe
even bargain with God. You may be asking God, “Do you really want me to go to Haiti?
What can I do? I am not a doctor.” So you consider the call. You talk with God, ask
Him and sometimes talk with your friends and even ask them to pray for you to see if you
have really heard God correctly. This is the first part of a call to go on mission with God.
Romans 12:1 “Therefore I urge you brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your
bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God –this is your spiritual act of worship"

1. Check out the latest news from one of our recent trips!

2. Start the application process (download; fill out; and save the PDF file)

Ok now you have prayed, asked, bargained and maybe even refused God only to be asked by Him to go. You know He has called you and you know you are supposed to go beyond a doubt, you are to go. Print the paper work, fill it out, put it in an envelope and mail it with your deposit of $150.00 and you are placed on a team. You may even still be saying…but I don’t know where I will get the money. But I am not a medical person….but I don’t do heat, bugs, rats, cold showers…. 2 Corinthians 12:9 “But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Let God show you what He can do.

3. Contact us and let us know which trip you are interested in. We will check to see if space is still available and get back to you.

Are Going?

So you're on the team, now what? Here are some things you can begin doing to prepare for your trip:

  • Start the Bible Study
  • Read the Frequently Asked Questions
  • Review your personal checklist
  • See how your gifts can be used in our med stations
  • Prepare a verse to share with the team in Haiti

Coming Back?

You have been on the trip and God has changed your life view, your eyes are opened maybe more than you wanted them to be. He has messed you up for the rest of your life because He has shown you another side of this world than you ever knew. You can never look at $20.00 the same way, or a bottle of aspirin the same way or your multiple pairs of shoes the same way. Where do you go from here?? First guilt is not from God and neither is depression or irresponsibility.

If you come back home and you just want to run away back to Haiti please know that this is normal when you return. Pray and God will show you what and when He would have you return to the mission field. He wants to use you now that you see with spiritual eyes. Maybe it is in Haiti, maybe it is in your church, your school or your work place. But He does want to use you. Pray and seek HIM and HIS will for you and your life. He has plans for you, Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Be patient with yourself and know God is there and please call us at Oaks if you have trouble dealing with all your feelings. We are hear and we have been where you are now.

Download and Read an encouragement from Oswald Chambers